Like everyone else, we want to help our community in some small way during this unusual time. With an urgent need for donations, the Red Cross relies on donors to…
After almost three months of quarantine and shelter at home, more Zoom meetings and virtual meetups than we can count, and weeks of Aibo running loose in an empty museum…
While CMoA has been closed due to COVID-19, our staff has worked from home. However, the museum hasn’t been quiet. Our aibo has been having fun with all the people…
On May 2nd , a global day of giving called #GivingTuesdayNow took place and funds were raised for nonprofits all over the world. Thanks to the generosity of many, CMoA…
You may have noticed CMoA engaging more on Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, and Twitter. If you like to scroll through any or all of these platforms, find us and start following…